Nursing Outcome Classification (NOC)
Nursing Outcome Classification (NOC) is the process of telling the client's status after nursing interventions. Standard criteria were developed to measure results of nursing actions that are used in all areas of nursing and all clients (individuals, families, groups and communities). Nursing Outcome Classification has seven domains of health functioning, physiological health, psychosocial health, knowledge and health behaviors, perception of health, family health and community health.
Nursing outcomes classification (NOC) describes the response of patients to nursing actions. NOC evaluate the results of nursing services as part of health care. Standard criteria for patient outcomes as a basis for ensuring nursing as a full participant in the evaluation of the clinic along with other health disciplines. The classification contains 190 outcomes that are labeled, definitions and indicators or measures to determine the criteria for acceptable results (Johnson and Mass, 1997).
Benefits of NOC in nursing are as follows:
1. Provide labels and measures for a comprehensive outcome criteria.
2. As a result of nursing interventions.
3. Defining the expected outcomes that focus on patients and can be used nurses and other disciplines.
4. Provide information more specific criteria result of the general health status.
5. Using a scale to measure outcomes and provide quantitative information (Bulecheck and McClokey, 1996)
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