Example of Nursing Diagnosis for Liver Disease / Hepatic Disease

Liver disease (also called hepatic disease) is a type of damage to or disease of the liver.

  • Hepatitis, inflammation of the liver, is caused by various viruses (viral hepatitis) also by some liver toxins (e.g. alcoholic hepatitis), autoimmunity (autoimmune hepatitis) or hereditary conditions.
  • Cirrhosis is the formation of fibrous tissue (fibrosis) in the place of liver cells that have died due to a variety of causes, including viral hepatitis, alcohol overconsumption, and other forms of liver toxicity. Cirrhosis causes chronic liver failure.
  • Alcoholic liver disease is a hepatic manifestation of alcohol overconsumption, including fatty liver disease, alcoholic hepatitis, and cirrhosis. Analogous terms such as "drug-induced" or "toxic" liver disease are also used to refer to disorders caused by various drugs.
  • Primary liver cancer most commonly manifests as hepatocellular carcinoma and/or cholangiocarcinoma; rarer forms include angiosarcoma and hemangiosarcoma of the liver. (Many liver malignancies are secondary lesions that have metastasized from primary cancers in the gastrointestinal tract and other organs, such as the kidneys, lungs.)
  • etc..

Example of Nursing Diagnosis for Liver Disease
  1. Ineffective breathing pattern r / t limitation of chest expansion because hydrothorax and ascites.
  2. Impaired gas exchange r / t hypoxia from hypoventilation.
  3. Excess fluid volume r / t to fluid retention due to increased aldosterone, and colloid osmotic pressure decreased.
  4. Pain (acute / chronic) r / t increase in triglycerides resulting in hepatomegaly.
  5. Impaired physical mobility r / t increases the body's metabolism so that less energy production, anemia, fluid and electrolyte imbalance.
  6. Imbalanced Nutrition Less than Body Requirements r / t inadequate intake (anorexia, nausea, vomiting).
  7. Disturbed Body Image r / t to physiological changes such as jaundice, ascites, edema, gynecomastia.
  8. Impaired skin integrity r / t pruritus.
  9. Risk for Bleeding r / t decrease the absorption of vitamin K and hemorrhoids.
  10. Altered thought processes r / t increase in serum ammonia levels.
  11. Risk for infection r / t changes in protein metabolism, liver phagocyte function paralysis, lack of leukocytes (due to splenomegaly).
  12. Low Self-Esteem r / t the occurrence of amenorrhea.

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