Empyema Nursing Diagnosis 6 Nursing Diagnosis for Empyema Empyema Empyema is defined as a collection of pus in the pleural cavity, gram-positive, or culture from the pleural fluid. Empyema is usuall...
Nursing Assessment NCP - Nursing Assessment for Burns (Combustio) Burns are a global public health problem. This is due to the high rate of burn mortality and morbidity, especially in low- and middle-income...
Nursing Nursing Homes Nurses' Communication with the Elderly in Nursing Homes Communication is a necessity for everyone in everyday life to interact with others and even with himself. Communication is the process of de...
Health Articles Hiccup What is a Hiccup (Singultus) and How to Treat it dreamstime.com What is the Definition of Hiccups? A hiccup (singultus) is a sudden involuntary contraction of the diaphragm, and generally o...
Farting Health Articles The Importance of Farting (Flatus) for Health What is Fart (Flatus) ? Farting occurs because the gas that has been produced in the digestive tract will be expelled through the anus. Fart...
Nursing Interventions Social Isolation Nursing Interventions for Social Isolation Nursing Diagnosis : Social isolation: withdrawing Purpose : The client can interact with other people so that hallucinations do not occur. S...
Nursing Nursing Diagnosis Nursing Interventions Urethral Stricture Urinary Retention Urinary Retention related to Urethral Stricture Urethral stricture is a narrowing or contraction of the urethral lumen due to obstruction. A urethral stricture is a narrowing due to the fo...
Health Articles 5 Psycho Sociological Theory of Aging Process Psychosocial theory focuses on the changes in attitudes and behavior that accompany increasing age, as opposed to the biological implication...
Health Articles 7 Biological Theory of Aging Process Biological theories attempt to explain the physical processes of aging, including changes in function and structure, development, longevity ...
Health Articles Nursing Understanding the Concept of Aging Aging is the process of slowly disappearing the ability of tissues to repair themselves / replace themselves and maintain their normal struc...
Health Articles Trigeminal Neuralgia Gives Symptoms and Signs as Follows Trigeminal Neuralgia - Symptoms and Signs Trigeminal Neuralgia According to Baughman (2000), the clinical manifestations that appear in ca...
Health Articles Anatomy and Physiology of The Trigeminal Nerve The trigeminal nerve or the 5th cranial nerve mainly supplies the skin of the face, conjunctiva and cornea, the mucosa of the nose, sinuses ...
Nursing Nursing Diagnosis Pulmonary Tuberculosis 7 Nursing Diagnosis for Pulmonary Tuberculosis (TB) Pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) is a contagious bacterial infection that involves the lungs. It may spread to other organs. Tuberculosis (TB) is...