What is Fart (Flatus) ?
Farting occurs because the gas that has been produced in the digestive tract will be expelled through the anus. Farts are disgusting and gross. However, farting is important for health. Farts come from gases in the intestines. These gases come from the air that is swallowed while eating or drinking and from the incomplete digestion of food in the intestines. Gas production in the intestines usually increases after eating. The gas that is formed will be carried to the rectum (the final part of the intestine) through intestinal peristalsis which also carries the remains of digestion (feces). Gas and feces that have reached the rectum will cause complaints in the form of discomfort around the stomach and heartburn. Furthermore, the fart will be released through the anus inadvertently when it can no longer withstand the gas pressure in the rectum.
What are the Content of Farts (Flatus) ?
The bad smell of farts comes from gases that contain sulfur, such as methanatiol, hydrogen sulfide, and dimethyl sulfide. It can also come from the large number of bacteria in the intestines and the presence of feces retained in the rectum. Holding in the fart will make the stomach uncomfortable due to increased gas pressure and abnormal dilation of the intestines. Holding farts can make it difficult for a person to defecate.
Source of Farts (Flatus) ?
One source of fart is bacteria. Bacterial fermentation and digestion produce heat, the by-product is foul gas. The gas bubbles are smaller in size, warmer, and saturated with foul-smelling bacterial metabolic products. This then became a fart, although only a small volume, but SBD (Silent But Deadly). The loudness of the sound depends on the velocity of the gas. Farts produced an average of half a liter a day in 14 farts.
The Importance of Farting for Health ?
From a health perspective, farting indicates good bowel activity. A person who has just undergone surgery under general anesthesia needs to wait until he farts before being allowed by doctors to eat and drink. Farting is often used as a clue by doctors and health workers that bowel function has returned to normal.
Reference :
Sopyan, Danang Irawan. 2012.
Harefa, Andrias. 2012.